...Design Thinking For Social Impact

LA Jones Media

Views: 1718

LA Jones & Associates is the Bay Area’s premier Public Relations, Marketing and Communications firm.  We have a distinguished track record of providing excellent service to corporations, local businesses, government and nonprofit agencies.

Using tested organization theory and design methodology, we begin each professional undertaking by gaining a clear understanding of our clients’ vision and objectives.  This process helps us implement a customized, strategic plan designed to meet and exceed our clients’ end goals and expectations.

Our team comprises a unique blend of experienced professionals, which includes management consultants, practitioners and academicians from a myriad of social sectors.  Plus, to ensure that we stay connected with the latest social trends, we regularly solicit innovative thoughts and recommendations from our Millennial Apprentice Lab.

LA Jones & Associates is a woman-owned company that prides itself on its focused thinking for social impact.  We are a sought-after agency for the consultation and composition of political and social issue campaigns.

If you are looking for a Public Relations and Marketing team to bridge the gap between you and your target audience, please contact us today.

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